Diverse Leaders in Financial Services: Our Solution to Diverse Talent Attraction & Retention in Financial Services

Diverse Leaders in Financial Services: Our Solution to Diverse Talent Attraction & Retention in Financial Services

In an era where diversity is not just a buzzword but a proven element of corporate success, the urgent need to address and foster ethnic diversity within leadership roles has never been more apparent. Recognising this imperative, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our innovative leadership programme, Diverse Leaders in Financial Services, aimed […]

Community & Connection: How Sisterhood Supports Personal & Professional Development

As an organisation that aims to build ethnically diverse leadership pipelines within businesses, we want to continue to celebrate and recognise the hard work others are doing to build and grow diverse communities. With Black History Month in the UK recently passing, this year’s theme was ‘Saluting our Sisters’, a fitting topic that speaks to […]

Roots Inspire Raises Funding!

We are proud to announce the completion of our funding round to expand our services across the UK and continental Europe — Roots Inspire helps organisations realise their diversity goals by providing talent management solutions. These solutions are delivered through an online platform and focus on attracting, retaining and advancing ethnically diverse leadership talent. Among […]

Why are we so confused about racism?

I don’t particularly like talking about racism. It hardly ever leads to a desired outcome. A strong word like racism triggers so many emotions. It opens up scars of people like myself who have experienced racism and brings up defensive barriers in others to prove (to themselves) that they are not racist. All these emotions […]

Communicating with Purpose – the Power of Conviction

Conviction has always been incredibly important to me throughout my career. It takes you to another level. Whether it’s being able to speak with conviction myself or see it in others, it’s been a “red thread” in my work and also my personal life. Do you believe we should really do this? Is this really […]

There can be Only One – the Power of Authenticity

Authenticity can be defined as your actions, behaviors being in line with your value system, instead of being influenced by society and conforming to norms to the extent that you fundamentally deviate from who you are as a person. But how do you maintain that authenticity while operating in a corporate workplace? “You ask yourself: […]

Building Credibility and Trust at the workplace

When I think about credibility, I think about trust as the two go hand-in-hand and it’s something that I’ve always held in high regard in my personal and professional life. When the team at Roots Inspire asked me to talk about building credibility in the workplace, I readily agreed as I believe this is one […]

That’s Okay, and Here’s Why – the Power of Perseverance

The startup you were interviewing with was just bought out by a larger corporation and the job listing has been removed. You wasted 2 months of your life, and invested your hopes and dreams, for nothing…but that’s okay. Your career is not off to the start you expected. You sell your first car, not because […]

Communicating with Purpose – the Power of Conviction

Conviction has always been incredibly important to me throughout my career. It takes you to another level. Whether it’s being able to speak with conviction myself or see it in others, it’s been a “red thread” in my work and also my personal life. Do you believe we should really do this? Is this really […]

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall— the Power of Reflection

Let me tell you a story…many years ago, I was one of the final candidates for a job I really wanted. The interviewer asked me, “tell me about your most recent reflection”. My mind went blank. I couldn’t think of anything.I’d been running my days like a well-oiled machine, having amazing conversations with people, tackling […]