Why diverse teams perform better

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December 1, 2021

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Knowledge bites

In numerous studies, diverse teams are associated with business success. The evidence shows that these are not mere correlations, but also various experiments have proven the direct effect of diversity on team performance. Many companies are trying to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce, but nevertheless, success has so far been marginal. With so much at stake, why aren’t these companies making more headway?

The Havard Business Review article Diverse Teams Feel Less Comfortable — and That’s Why They Perform Better suggests that diversity initiatives may not be successful until we do more to address the way diversity is perceived. When leaders see it first and foremost as a social obligation that makes things difficult and slows progress, they will likely make decisions that undermine the organisation’s diversity goals. If, however, leaders can recognise that the debate and unfamiliarity that come with diversity is an important catalyst for creativity and deep thinking, they will invite it and celebrate it.

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